Alright…so as you can see my Instagram has taken off while I have really slacked on my blog. However, I was talking to a friend the other night who was like “I love your posts but some of these products I don’t know what they do!” Well it gave me an idea…to make a beginners …
Resumes…the first thought that comes to mind when someone begins the inevitable “job search.” Or it can be seen as a critical component for the college and graduate school process It is one of your main tools through all of these experiences. Think of it like a trophy case: you want it to only display …
Lush is something wonderful. If you love anything that smells good and anything bath or skincare: walking into Lush is pretty much like being a kid in a candy store all over again. All of their products smell amazing and they are vegetarian or vegan friendly. Unfortunately, my town does not have a Lush …
It’s not as scary as it sounds! Recently, I have found myself about to begin the last two semesters of my master’s program. It’s wild to think I’m more than half way there (my program is technically two and a half years). Junior/senior year of undergraduate I decided that my schooling was definitely not over …
Hi y’all! Long time no talk…I’m trying for round two with my blog. This time I decided to post about my current favorite skincare. My skin type is dry combination and occasionally sensitive. Lately, I’ve really been loving myself and my skin: which means I’ve spent most of my paychecks at Sephora, Ulta, Riley Rose, …
Just felt like sharing some of my work I had done in the past. Sorry I have been MIA. Graduate school and assistantship are no joke! These photos are from Spring 2016 when some of my sorority sisters were graduating. The top two pictures were probably the first time I realized that I really enjoyed …
Florida has been quite unpredictable lately. The rain is always there, lurking around every corner. But honestly, I really love how these pictures turned out. The lighting was on point and the rain wasn’t too temperamental. Joey recently graduated Saturday from Florida State and will start his master’s program this fall back at FSU. Melissa, his girlfriend of over 2 years, is one of my sorority sisters and she will be interning her last semester in undergraduate as a elementary education major. They were adorable and very relaxed when it came to pictures. I wish them all the best in the future!
Summer Graduation 2017Congratulations Joey!
I’ve been using Lightroom recently to edit my photos and I really like how they turn out. I’m quite new to the “photo processor and organizer” from Adobe but I’m definitely getting used to it.
It takes only seconds to capture timeless moments.
“Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally. It comes from what you do consistently.”
The rain never bothered us anyways. I haven’t picked up a camera in a while, unless you count my phone. But graduation rolled around and my wonderful parents gave me an amazing camera. They noticed over the years how much I love taking pictures and how much I dived into my roll as historian …